Sleep Apnea & TMJ Wellness Center

Experts are saying about Sleep Apnea!

morningdovemarketing • 8 December 2021

Healthy, sound sleep is a very important part of our daily lives. This is why doctors advise between 7 and 9 hours of deep sleep every night. However, the modern lifestyle has an adverse effect on people's sleeping patterns, leading to one of the most common sleep disorders, Sleep Apnea.

Read on to know more about sleep apnea and when to contact the specialists at our center for sleep apnea in Alabama.

What is Sleep Apnea?

In simple terms, sleep apnea is a sleep disorder due to which a person's normal breathing is interrupted during sleep. People suffering from sleep apnea may experience their breathing stopping suddenly for no apparent reason. In severe cases, a person may momentarily stop breathing even hundreds of times during their sleep!

Sleep apnea occurs in about 10% of women and 25% of men. It can affect people of all age groups. However, the high-risk group includes overweight people aged over 50. Sleep apnea can be a serious problem as it impedes your performance in everyday activities as you feel tired and drowsy due to a lack of sleep. It also increases the risk of high blood pressure and other related problems.

Types of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is classified into the following types:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

It is caused when the lower jaw and throat muscles slacken and block the airway. This results in partial or full blockage of the patient’s upper airway. Most cases of sleep apnea fall under this category.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)

This occurs when the patient’s brain and respiratory, nervous control center are unable to signal the muscles of the respiratory system to breathe normally. It is a result of dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

The following symptoms characterize sleep apnea. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should report them to a doctor or consult our specialist for sleep apnea in Childersburg.

  • Waking up suddenly at night with a choking or gasping feeling
  • Snoring loudly or restlessness during sleep
  • Sore throat and dryness in the mouth while waking up
  • Drowsiness and logical impairment such as decreased concentration on daily work or studies
  • Depression, anxiety, or moody behavior

Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be treated by a medical professional. You need to consult a doctor who specializes in sleep disorders. Apart from conventional treatment using airway pressure control devices, the following methods are also popular:

Oral Appliance Therapy

This alternative method of treatment involves using an oral appliance. This device is designed to maintain a clear, open airway to prevent obstruction of airflow. These are easily available and convenient to use. The device pulls your lower jaw forward and opens the throat passage - the main airway. It can easily relieve mild obstructive sleep apnea. You may contact a dentist to get a prescription for the device most suited to your needs.

Adaptive Servo-Ventilation (ASV)

This is an advanced device that uses specialized technology to learn your normal breathing pattern. The machine then stores the information in an in-built computer and uses pressure to normalize your breathing pattern as per the stored information. This prevents sleep apnea and ensures that you sleep soundly. However, ASV might not suit people with central sleep apnea and advanced heart problems.

If required, contact our TMJ specialist in Childersburg or discuss the option with your doctor.

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