Humans derive pleasure from many things, and a good night’s sleep tops the list. It is not only highly satisfying and relaxing but also necessary for efficient body functioning. Some believe they’re getting good sleep just because they’re spending more than eight hours every day in bed. But if you still feel that you’re not getting the best out of your sleep, there may be a sleep disorder lurking in the shadows.
You can reach out to our reputed center for sleep apnea and TMJ in Childersburg for a trustworthy diagnosis.
What is sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea is a widespread sleep disorder afflicting almost twenty million adults in the US alone. Also, approximately eighty percent of cases go undiagnosed. This involuntary suspension of breathing occurs during sleep and can lead to severe health risks if left untreated for a long time. Most people who suffer from sleep apnea in Childersburg
are unaware that it can be the root cause of their numerous health issues.
The condition causes occasional respiratory cessation during sleep, often leading to loud snoring or choking noises. Apnea patients wake up abruptly from sleep as their body is slowly deprived of oxygen. Depending on its severity, sleep apnea can cause breathing interruptions more than a hundred times during sleep.
Types of Sleep Apnea
- Central Sleep Apnea (CSA): Respiratory interruptions are caused due to the brain’s failure to send signals to the respiratory system properly.
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): Breathing cessation is caused by physical blockages like soft throat tissues or tongue collapsing in the upper airway.
- Complex/Mixed Sleep Apnea: A combination of CSA and OSA.
Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
If you suspect having sleep apnea in Childersburg, it is imperative to take time and correctly diagnose the condition. Sleep disorders are severe and deserve attention and treatment. Their severity can range from relatively common to life-threatening, including breathing problems like asthma, epilepsy, and narcolepsy.
Restless, poor quality sleep and sleep apnea often go hand-in-hand and can prove dangerous with serious health consequences including impotence, heart disease, and stroke. Narcoleptics suffering from sleep apnea experience uncontrollable twitching and shaking facial muscles, while non-narcoleptics tend to have their jaw open and relaxed during sleep.
Still, diagnosing sleep disorders can prove to be hard because they don’t always show distinct signs. However, if you notice any of these persisting symptoms, you should immediately seek medical advice from our center for sleep apnea and TMJ.
Treatment of Sleep Apnea
When you visit our sleep apnea treatment center in Childersburg, you will be observed by a team of doctors who will evaluate and treat your sleep disorder. The steps involved include examination of your throat, mouth, and tongue to rule out infections and other causes, followed by a referral to our professional sleep specialist, who will prescribe tailored therapeutic measures to keep you breathing through the night.
The bottom line is that you should immediately seek medical attention if you show solid sleep apnea symptoms. We will offer some of the most viable procedures used by our sleep apnea treatment centers in Childersburg.